Recently, Baileigh Allen of ZigZag Research, was invited to speak on the EMI Research Solution Podcast, commonly referred to as Intellicast. The bi-monthly podcast looks at the research industry from a vendor perspective and talks openly about current trends and happenings, upcoming conferences and current events (with a twist). Baileigh spoke with an authentic voice on a number of topics; including:
The rationale behind starting ZigZag Research
The recent MRMW North America Conference
Baileigh’s Advisory Board Position with Merlien Institute
The need for more focus on Autism-related Research
And much more!
To hear a recorded version of the podcast, please click here.
In speaking with Baileigh, she thoroughly enjoyed the podcast. Her advice, if asked to be a podcast guest is “whatever you do, don’t take yourself too seriously. If something goes amiss during the interview, you can’t get your point across clearly and/or you just want to kick yourself for sounding silly, just breathe. Stay cool and authentic. Everyone listening realizes that “stuff” happens; so just go with the flow.”
Baileigh further believes that the most interesting part of the recent podcast was the ability to touch on so many topics in such a short period of time. Perhaps her favorite is her side project on autism research. Baileigh believes all market researchers possess a unique skill set and should find a passion, close to their heart, to pursue and advance. She strongly believes each researcher has the opportunity to make a mark.
EMI is also a great example of a company taking on a new way of communicating with their partners and clients; the podcast is fun, lively and engaging. Want to see for yourself? We don’t blame you - to view a list of past contributors, or stay abreast of new podcasts, subscribe to the EMI Intellicast click here, or find it on iTunes or Google play by searching “Intellicast”.